It seems hard to believe, but March is here, signaling the shift from winter to spring—a period of rejuvenation, growth, and change and time for a revisit and reflection on our New Year's resolutions. This can be a time to check in with ourselves and see how our New Year's resolutions are holding up. Are our goals closer in sight, or do they seem like a dream from another time ago? Personally, I always get excited when March turns a corner because March marks National Nutrition Month. Frankly, I love talking about food and how it fuels our bodies. During National Nutrition Month, food takes center stage, and rightly so! What we put into our bodies directly influences our well-being. As I say, our output is only as good as our input!
Today, l want to draw your attention to an often overlooked food of choice. I know many people often will turn their nose up to fruit or perhaps roll their eyes as they begrudgingly munch on their salad because they heard it's healthy for them and they are trying to do the right thing. I get it. Sometimes, fruits and vegetables are not as exciting and enticing as other food choices available to us. Plant foods can often fall to the wayside in light of other options. Let’s picture a typical steak or chicken dinner—the meat will often take center stage, leaving a scant offering of wilted lettuce leaves as the lone representation of plant-based fare. Not to diminish the value of lettuce; it's indeed rich in fiber. However, it's usually relegated to a minor role on the dinner plate.
There are so many underlying benefits that plant foods have to offer that can be considered. Let's take a closer look. Plants contain prebiotics, fostering a diverse gut microbiome—essential for our health as we age. It's vital to nurture a robust gut through a varied diet rich in vegetables, fruits, and grains. Additionally, plants boast polyphenols, vibrant compounds that double as antioxidants and wield anti-inflammatory properties, enhancing both our meals and our health.
This leads me to mood stabilization. Scientific research highlights the symbiotic relationship between a healthy gut and a healthy mind. The gut-brain axis facilitates communication between our central nervous system and gut nerves. Ever experienced a gut feeling? That's the gut-brain axis at play. Our gut signals hunger or satiety directly to our brain, driving us to make choices for our body telling us what we need. It's a vital connection to nurture through mindful eating habits. By fostering a healthy gut through a varied diet, we can directly influence our brain and how we respond to situations we face on a daily basis.
Enter Lift4Today's Plant-30 Challenge. Are you up for it? The premise is simple: aim to incorporate at least 30 different plants into your diet each week, embracing fruits, vegetables, seeds, and grains—yes, even those whole-grain crackers count! What a perfect way to mark National Nutrition Month with a challenge, enhancing our varied nutrition!
A varied plant-based diet not only supports gut health but also influences cognitive function, emphasizing the profound connection between our food choices and our holistic wellness. The research underscores the benefits of a varied plant-based diet for gut health, mood, and cognitive function. Importantly, this doesn't mean forsaking preferred protein sources. The Plant-30 Challenge seeks to enrich rather than exclude, expanding our culinary repertoire for improved overall nutrition and well-being. Even meat enthusiasts can enjoy the addition of plant-based proteins like beans, lentils, tofu, tempeh, and nuts, enhancing meals while reaping the rewards of diverse plant-based foods. While there's space for lean proteins like chicken, turkey, and beef, let's prioritize a plant-forward approach.
Where do you start?
Here is a list to get you started! This is merely a glimpse of the food choices available to you to help increase your plant consumption.
Vegetables | Fruits | Legumes | Grains | Nuts & Seeds |
Is there space for treats?
Yes, there is! Did you know that despite not appearing to be traditional plant-based options, these items contribute to your goal of consuming 30 plant-based foods per week:
Coffee: Coffee beans, derived from the coffee berry, are rich in fiber and polyphenols. When brewed, they offer numerous potential health benefits.
Dark Chocolate: Originating from tropical fruit seeds, dark chocolate contains polyphenols and can offer health advantages. Optimal choices contain a high cocoa solid percentage, preferably 70% or higher, and are free from artificial additives.
Popcorn: Often overlooked, popcorn made from maize kernels qualifies as a whole grain. Air-popped varieties without excessive salt or butter are endorsed as a healthy snack by the American Heart Association."
You have plenty of options available to embrace the Plant-30 Challenge. I invite you to try and incorporate more plant food choices in your daily diet, aiming to reach 30 different plant types throughout the week. Let’s mark National Nutrition Month by keeping to our healthy lifestyle resolutions, focusing on a varied diet, drinking plenty of water throughout the day, and exercising!