January. The month of change, and starting anew. Often, people mark this month as a time for reflection, change and new endeavors. It is a philosophy Rachel and I try NOT to live by. You see, you don't need to wait for a New Year or the beginning of a new week to make changes. Change can happen at any given moment. Change can happen when you recognize the need for change. You don't need a special month of the year or day of the week to call upon change. So are we hypocrites? We just launched our website on the first Monday in January! Why would we do that?!?
It wasn't intentional. As I mentioned in my inaugural post, this site has been a long time in the making. Both of us have families to care for, clients to train, courses for continuing education or for a higher level degree, our own workouts and everything else that demands our attention. In other words, life got in the way. Do you ever feel that life just gets in the way? Over time, though, we kept making small progress towards our goal. We took baby steps. With each step we got closer and closer to where we wanted to be. And so, everything just happened to come together on a MONDAY in JANUARY. It was purely coincidental.
We certainly didn’t take on everything at once. The process was much slower than we anticipated. We took the time to work through the many parts and pieces of putting our site together. I know that if we had tried to cram this effort into a week or a month or even a year, it would have been too challenging to make our goal a success.
Whatever holidays or non-holidays you celebrate in the latter part of each calendar year, there tends to be a bit more eating, a bit more drinking, even during or especially during the Covid pandemic, than we normally have in our lives. And boom, January 1st comes around, and we jump on the health kick bandwagon. All the sugar is gone (😱), juice cleanses are in (🤢) and twice a day workouts prevail… for a few days, a week? Does this sound familiar? How long can you sustain that kind of regimen?
January. The month of resolutions and drastic changes to our lifestyles. I’m going to be the anti-Nike. Just DON’T do it. Although these grand resolutions and drastic changes are well intended, they are simply not sustainable. The only reason why Lift4Today came out at the beginning of January is because we had the time off at the end of December to pull everything together, and this just happened to be when it happened. Taking the journey towards a healthier lifestyle requires just the first step whenever you are ready, a baby step, not everything all at once. The end result will happen when it will happen. Making attainable goals and baby steps will get you there.