One of the first comments that I received from a Lift4Today site viewer was that since the website was geared towards weightlifting, she wasn’t interested in anything the site had to offer. Wow. I was blown away by how quickly she dismissed our site. I get it, not everything is meant for everyone. But, the site and our healthy, sustainable lifestyle message that unfolded in my inaugural post “Quest for Perfection” was never even given a chance. All because of a name. She had an interpretive bias that a fitness site with the word “Lift” in it meant that it was all about weightlifting.
I think it would be good to give a bit of background on how we got our name and logo. In 2007, Alwyn Cosgrove wrote a paper about the Hierarchy of Fat Loss detailing the best ways to lose body fat. The concepts that he outlined in that paper spoke to me. In order for fat loss to be achieved, metabolism needs to be altered one way or another.
Fast forward to 2014, and I had to find my first civilian primary care manager after my husband retired from the Navy. When I went for my physical, the doctor didn’t know me other than what she had gleaned from perusing my health history. She looked at my weight and height on her BMI (Body Mass Index) chart and told me that I was borderline obese. The doctor didn’t even look at me. Yes, I weigh more than the BMI chart allows for my height, but my body fat percentage is actually lower than average. This is because I have more muscle mass than average. Muscle weighs more than fat. A basic biological concept that every doctor knows or should know. I never went back to that doctor again.
When the blog idea became more concrete, Rachel and I started toying around with ideas for the name of the blog. My original idea was Elevate with an equilateral triangle giving equal homage to nutrition, resistance training and cardio. But we kept circling

back to Cosgrove’s Hierarchy of Fat Loss because not everything is equal in the quest for healthy living. We’ve taken the liberty of expanding upon that idea in order to create the four concentric rings in the Lift4today logo. The largest ring, navy, represents lifestyle including sleep and stress. The turquoise ring is nutrition. Lime green is resistance training and HIIT workouts. The smallest ring, magenta, is for cardiovascular training. In a later post I will go into more detail on why that ring is the smallest.
Rachel and I had our logo in mind, but the name of the blog was elusive. The content that we wanted to provide and the message that we wanted to share was about sustainability and longevity - the exact opposite of a 30-day quick fix. With baby steps and realistic goals, we could make small changes any time. Every aspect of our lives has the ability to be improved, lifting ourselves up in one way or another. We love lifting weights, but we also love to find new and flavorful recipes that are well balanced. The word lift kept coming back to us and the original idea of elevate. Lift4Today - lift up every aspect of your life - lifestyle, nutrition, strength training, heart health, with the four concentric circles/concepts that relate to the hierarchy of fat loss and start any time. That’s what Lift4Today is all about. There is more to a name. There is more to the word “lift.”