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When Looks Matter

Writer: JulieJulie

I know, I know….it’s been a while since you have heard from us. It’s not because our drive to provide real content has fizzled out. Far from it. We’ve been taking some time and trying something new.

Back in February Lift4Today became a part of the iConsultancy program at the University of Maryland. This program provides student teams with real-world experience, working with clients in the realm of website design, information management and data visualization. This was a great opportunity for Rachel and I to explore how Lift4Today could broaden its audience as well as get advice on what we could be doing better. We were introduced to a team of six computer science students that used our website for their senior capstone project. They were able to provide invaluable feedback and ideas regarding the site and social media. Three of the students worked on providing a more user-friendly, intuitive and visually appealing website. The other three students helped us navigate and get more comfortable with social media. It was a win-win situation.

I have shied away from social media ever since I created my original Facebook profile fourteen years ago. It wasn’t until Lift4Today was launched in January that I changed my profile picture for the first time! I joined Instagram a few years ago to view my oldest daughter’s artwork as well as to follow a few trainers, physical therapists and bakers that are nationally recognized. The thought of creating an IG account for Lift4Today seemed daunting, foreign and not intuitive.

If you do a search for fitness trainers, you’ll most likely find post after post of people showing off their bodies. Who knows what the actual message of those posts might be, but seemingly perfect bodies does not provide real content for real people. The nearly naked visuals tell quite a story. Lift4Today goes beyond images of sculpted bodies. We provide tangible content about living a healthier life, longevity, sustainability and feeling good about yourself and the choices you make.

Transforming your health from the outside in and the inside out. For those of you that have experienced the original website, you will notice the physical changes right away. While the appearance is more streamlined and lighter, the content (the voice) has remained the same.

When we take that first step towards a healthier life, oftentimes the outward appearance tends to be the driving force. Somewhere along the way, though, the internal changes become much more noticeable and more valuable.

Lift4Today’s transformation was guided by students at the end of their undergraduate journey where they will go on to the next step - some to grad school and others to jobs. For Rachel and I, we gained an aesthetically pleasing website as well as a level of comfort with navigating and designing relevant content for social media. We would love to hear your feedback about the updated site. And you can follow us on Instagram (words I never thought I would say) at


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